The Portugal Foreigner Taught in Nuris

Pesantren Nuris – Four Foreigners shared experience with students of Pondok Pesantren Nuris Antirogo. Those foreigners came from Portugal, China, Egypt, and Cambodia. They had taught around a month at Pesantren, since August 7th till September 19th 2017 ago.

They were very impressed able to teach in Nuris. They were Ehab Ahmed Hamed, the university student of Canadian International College (CIC), Ines Mendes, the university student of Coimbra (FEUC) in Portugal, Lyna Meak, the university student of Royal in Phnom Penh Cambodia and Lily Hu, the university student of Shand Xong in China.

They taught about culture and the potential of their each country to students. So, the comprehension of other countries can increase students’ knowledge. “We are the volunteers who want to share experience, build the students as better generation,” said Ines Mendes.

Ines was really impressed to education and learning at Pondok Pesantren. It was not found in her country. “They are so friendly when welcome us,” admit the Economy University Student. Ines taught in some institutions, those were SMA, SMK, MA, SMP, till MTs in Nuris. English was used as communication by them, the students were not awkward to understand its language because they had gotten briefing.

“ Firstly, I don’t know where I should teach, so finally I am suggested to teach in Nuris,” her admission. She was inspired teaching to participate the education of the students. Especially, increasing the students’ ability in leadership to be better. “ Education at Pondok Pesantren was discipline and interesting,” her saying.

As same as Ehab Ahmed Hamed’s saying who taught the students. The university student was from Egypt also shared his culture there. Besides that, he also introduced historic places, like Pyramid, Alexandria and others. He felt happy able to share knowledge to the students. Even, he was interested on the culture and the tradition in Pondok Pesantren which was simple, humble, and discipline.

Public Relation of Nuris Pondok Pesantren, Gus Abdurrahman added the tourist activity to teach in Nuris doing every year. The students were introduced in foreign country, so having broad knowledge.” It will motivate the students in order to have high dream to reach,”his saying.

Adapted from editorial staff of Jawa Pos, edition on Thursday, October 12th2017

*translator: Galih Ferdian, S.Pd (Humas MA Unggulan Nuris)

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